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Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 11:21 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
You might want to stop digging at some point.
Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 10:36 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
I can't see anyone doing that here and I'd have to sit down and think before I could claim to have
encountered it in China. I suspect it's the kind of thing you've got to decide exists before you
Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 10:19 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
Where did that come from? Are we reading different threads?
Pretty much - it's an in-group, we are educated professionals, thing. 夹中夹英 I think it's
referred to as. Can be a bit grating I find, but...
Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 08:10 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
Also, there's evidence that we have slightly different personalities
(http://bps-research-digest.blogspot.com/2006/04/change-your-personality-learn-new.html) for
different languages. Perhaps this guy...
Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 04:19 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
I think using 'caucasian' like this is unnecessary and you're going to generate more heat than
light. It's not an issue of race, it's one of language and culture. Would you or the german guy
Forum: Speaking and Listening 5th July 2007, 03:56 PM
Replies: 62
Why do caucasians love English?
Views: 4,214
Posted By roddy
Re: Why do caucasians love English?
Heartily second that.
I've also been in situations where I've been working in Chinese all day, which when you are
stretching your Chinese ability can be extremely tiring. Slipping into a native or...
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